StarSphere 09/2024 09/2024 .react/TS Web application that stores and compares different startups
plant gpt

Rockwell 04/2024 06/2024 .react Website linked to user data base and game (unity) host
plant gpt

Hormiguero 05/2023 06/2024 HTML/CSS Website where poetry that is written by me is published
plant gpt

Business network 02/2024 04/2024 .pkt Network implementation for a small startup company
plant gpt

Plant GPT 11/2023 01/2024 SQL Iot project that cheks wellbeing on a plant
plant gpt

Breakout 11/2023 12/2023 python Demo version of a breakout game with various modes
breakout game

Europe-Cities 11/2023 12/2023 c++ Project that calculates distances betweeen cities
europe map

Wallet 10/2023 11/2023 python Personal Wallet to keep control of expenses with .csv
wallet code

Game 09/2023 10/2023 c++ Game that uses OOP and other c++ language properties
game glance

Viruses Sequences 07/2023 08/2023 R Project that generated different types of analisis for a virus DNA
Markdown image