
Hi there! My name is Jose Ignacio, I am a 5th semester Software Engineering student at Tecnológico de Monterrey. I possess proficiency in languages like c++, Node.Js and python, demonstrated in different collaborative and individual projects. Also I have strong knowledge of Git and data structures, bringing a solid and effective contribution in a team. My current aspirations are to find a place of work where I can prove all of my previously mentioned skills and to enhance them to become an ultimate professional in the software development branch.


Tecnologico de Monterrey, digital platform advisor:

Organizing and collecting data from Linkedin Talent Insights in order to see the companies that are hiring students based on their career.
Extracting the data and organizing it with the use of Excel and Python.
Providing Tec de Monterrey with organized and understandable reports that are based upon macro data in a short span of time, enabling them to take action on different subjects by analyzing methodical reports.

Deloitte, summer robotics intern:

During this program, with a team of three people, I was able to learn and manage different RPA processes that Deloitte uses to download and supervise clients' taxes.
The main tool used was UIPath for bot configuration and Python to manage pdf and xml documents.
Customers varied, but the main ones were Ecuadorian banks and south American airlines, which had numerous reports.


Programming is something I am passionate about and constantly doing, however, there's more to me than that. The main activities that I do is track and field, mainly running and also javelin. Apart from sports, I also dedicate a great amount of time participating in communities. Adding, one of my greatest passions is writing poetry, check out my poems here.